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專注於技術(Focusing on Technique)

專注於技術(Focusing on Technique)


It’s the beginning of a new season. A fresh start, a blank page, a chance to be better than last season, to take your swimming to the next level. But, where to start?

很有可能你已經好幾周甚至一兩個月沒下水了,狀態也有所下滑: 離你規律張弛有度的訓練時候差遠了。所以,你在賽季早期的焦點應該放在將你的狀態建設「回原來好的程度,來確保這個賽季你也一樣成功。好了,我們該做點什麼?

Chances are, you’ve been out of the water for a few weeks and are somewhat out of shape—far from the taper and peak form you were enjoying not too long ago. So, what can you focus on at your early-season practices to gradually build back up, and ensure another successful season?

來自Bolles 校園鯊魚游泳隊的瓊·薩科維奇(Jon Sakovich),總教練,和戴爾·波特(Dale Porter),總年齡組育成教練,採取的是漸進式的賽季初訓練方式,結合了水中和岸上的訓練內容。Bolles 校園鯊魚隊培育出了多位奧運及世界級別金牌選手,包括:瑞安·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)、凱勒布·德雷索(Caeleb Dressel)和約瑟夫·斯古林(Joseph Schooling),足以證明他們方法的有效性。

Jon Sakovich and Dale Porter, the head coach and head age group coach at The Bolles School Sharks—a team that has produced Olympic and World Championship gold medalists Ryan Murphy, Caeleb Dressel, and Joseph Schooling—take a gradual approach to get their swimmers ready for the season, focusing on elements both in and out of the water.

1. 回歸基礎訓練


1. Back to Basics

Before getting back into actual in-water training, the beginning of the season is a great time to reinforce what proper technique should look like, as well as what exercises swimmers can do outside the pool to achieve that technique. Sakovich and Porter spend several weeks reviewing these things with their swimmers at each practice.

2. 分解技術動作與狀態調整





薩科維奇說:「從第一天開始我們就用鮑勃·吉列特(Bob Gillet,開發海豚腿的先驅教練)制定的訓練組來訓練,而且我們會把海豚腿的訓練組一直放在整個賽季的訓練計劃中,讓海豚腿的速度和力度在整個賽季持續得到提升。幸運的是我們在9月和10月都有高中級別的游泳切磋,我們因此可以為選手們海豚腿的提升進度持續監控到隨著賽季進行。」

2. Drills and Conditioning

With a solid understanding of proper technique and improved strength through dryland, swimmers are ready to translate their knowledge into action. At Bolles, the first few weeks of conditioning are heavily focused on kicking, drills, balance, and alignment, Porter said, and gradually progress towards lighter aerobic sets.

One of their major focuses early in the season is on kicking—kicking for endurance/conditioning, kicking for speed, and kicking underwater.

“The kicking is usually front-loaded at the beginning of the season,” Sakovich said. “We’ll increase the kicking yardage pretty quickly for about three to four weeks, then drop the yardage down and increase the intensity and speed of the kick sets.”

Underwater kicking can quickly go downhill after a few weeks out of the water, so it’s important to concentrate on that as well as the season gets underway.

“We start from day one and use two or three of (dolphin kicking pioneer coach) Bob Gillett’s sets, and we use them continuously throughout the season, looking for improved speed and stronger kicks throughout. We’re also fortunate to have a number of swim meets in September and October for high school season so we can regularly see how the underwaters are progressing,” Sakovich said.

3. 連貫與堅持


3. Consistency and Commitment

These aspects of swimming—dryland, activation, drills, kicking, and conditioning—aren’t just important at the start of the season, but the entire year. In order to improve, swimmers must be committed to executing these areas to the best of their ability every day, whether in the water or out. The start of the season is like the first breakout at the start of a race: a great breakout will put you ahead of the competition, while a poor one will leave you playing catch up.


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