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美國游泳產業經營之神及金牌教練-Don Heidary

Don Heidary除了擔任Orinda Aquatics游泳俱樂部的聯合主教練和聯合創始人外,Don還是Miramonte高中的Varsity游泳隊的首席教練。在過去的三十年中,Miramonte一直是北海岸最成功的泳隊之一,贏得了五次NCS冠軍並獲得了前27次的前三名。在2019年,Miramonte女子泳隊在加利福尼亞州冠軍賽中獲得第四名。 Don還曾在Orinda的Meadow Pool的休閒游泳隊中執教了14年,幫助該系統發展成為Lamorinda的主要團隊,贏得了7項OMPA冠軍。 Don曾是北海岸區榮譽教練、年度東灣教練、年度太平洋游泳年齡組教練,以及他的雙胞胎兄弟Ron的2013年教練聯盟獲獎者。 Don曾擔任美國游泳教練協會(ASCA)董事會主席兩屆,並在太平洋游泳董事會中監督俱樂部的發展。 Don在ASCA(美國游泳教練協會)世界培訓以及國際(中國,歐洲,加拿大)就游泳和青少年運動文化和品格發展議題做演講。他還帶領非洲斯威士蘭的游泳培訓活動,曾兩次到那裡,並介紹了該國唯一的ASCA教練培訓課程。他是1984年從伯克利大學(UC Berkeley)畢業的。除了執教外,Don還曾在查爾斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab),羅伯遜·斯蒂芬斯(Robertson Stephens)和伊斯特本做資本管理(Eastbourne Capital Management)擔任機構股票交易員20年。

In addition to being Co-Head Coach and Co-Founder of Orinda Aquatics, Don is the Head Coach of Miramonte High School’s Varsity Swim Team. Miramonte has been one of the most successful teams on the North Coast over the past three decades, winning five NCS Championships and placing in the top three twenty-seven times. In 2019 the Miramonte Women’s team finished 4th in the California State Championship meet. Don also coached the recreational swim team at Meadow Pool in Orinda for fourteen years, helping develop that program into the dominant Lamorinda team, winning seven OMPA Championships. Don is a past North Coast Section Honor Coach, East Bay Coach of the Year, Pacific Swimming Age-Group Coach of the Year, and 2013 Positive Coaching Alliance recipient with his brother Ron. Don was the ASCA Board President for two terms and is on the Pacific Swimming Board of Directors overseeing Club Development. Don has spoken at the ASCA (American Swim Coaches Association) World Clinic as well as internationally (China, Europe, Canada) on culture and character in swimming and youth sports. He also supports the swimming efforts of Swaziland, Africa, and has traveled there twice and presented the country’s only ASCA Coaches Clinic. He is a 1984 graduate of UC Berkeley. In addition to coaching, Don worked as an Institutional Equity Trader for twenty years at Charles Schwab, Robertson Stephens, and Eastbourne Capital Management.

Don Heidary教練所經營的游泳俱樂部Orinda Aquatics已多年成為最高榮譽的游泳俱樂部,堪稱美國游泳產業經營之神及金牌教練

Don Heidary教練無時無刻都是不斷地在鼓勵教練們、選手們、家長們、合作方等等,且是個具有很強大的領導魅力的教練及老闆


Don 教練 & Justin


Pizza everywhere!! haha

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