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如何提升及評估你的游泳效率?利用SWOLF 游泳效率指標(數值越低效率越高)

SWOLF (游泳效率指標(數值越低效率越高)

SWOLF (Swimming efficiency index (the lower the value, the higher the efficiency)

SWOLF = 單趟游泳總時間+單趟划手數

SWOLF = lap split+stroke count

SWOLF是用來測量游泳運動員的技術和能力的方法。建議運動員每月進行一次50米游泳來測量游泳能力。這只是一組簡單的50米游泳,運動員可以自己計算划水次數和游泳時間長。把單趟游泳時間長和划水次數相加,總數就是衡量游泳效率能力的標準。練習者可以降低這個數字,刷新個人紀錄。 此外,他還可以通過調整游泳速度和划水距離來看一看這個數字能有多低。例如,假設一個人在40秒內游了50米,划水45次,那麼總數便是85。在下一個50米中,他游得更快一些,花了35秒,划水48次,總數就是83。繼續進行50米測試,調整速度和划水次數的比例,從而找到最高效的游泳方法。隨著運動員游泳能力的提高,他的個人數值紀錄也會降低。希望你能愉快地體驗測試!

SWOLF is used to test an athlete’s improvement in technique and efficiency. It is recommended to use SWOLF 50s once a month to play with your stroke efficiency. This is simply a set of 50s where you count your strokes and time yourself. Add the time and stroke count. That total now becomes your gauge of efficiency. Lower it. Create a PR (personal record), and play with speed and stroke length to see how low you can get that total of time and strokes. For example, let’s say you swim a 50 meter in 40 seconds and take 45 strokes; the total is 85. On the next 50, you swim faster and go 35 seconds, and it takes 48 strokes; the total is 83. Keep doing 50s, changing speeds and stroke rate to find the most efficient. As you improve your stroke, your PR on this will decrease. Have fun with it.

我建議運動員每月都要進行一次6 x 50米的SWOLF測試。只是計算划水的次數可能會引起誤解,因為測試者可以通過過度滑行身體和延遲滑水來得到一個非常低的划水次數。結果就是他因為划水次數過少而游得很慢。

運動員的某些游泳姿勢可能不正確,他甚至會可能漏掉某些技術動作。影像分析通常可以告訴運動員他需要更加關注哪一部分的游泳技術。如果他有直臂抱水的姿勢,那麼增加單臂自由式練習和握拳划水練習會對他有幫助。大多數游泳者都會犯一些常見的錯誤。通過分析影像,游泳者可以看到所有錯誤,並專注於糾正這些錯誤,然後通過具體練習或組合練習來糾正這些技術錯誤。後續的影象分析和測試中,最新的個人紀綠有助於運動員評估自己的成績,並確保訓練產生積極效果。在理想情況下,水面正上方和水面正下方的影像片段是最好的,因為這兩個角度可以看到運動員各個方面的動作; 而教練可以從側面看到更多畫面,能看見運動員在水下手臂如何划水。

I recommend a set of 6 × 50 meters SWOLF at least once per month. Just counting strokes can be misleading since you can get a very low stroke count by overgliding and delaying strokes. What happens is you will become a slow swimmer who takes fewer strokes.

There are probably areas of your swimming that are inefficient or maybe even missing. Video analysis can usually show you what areas of your technique need more attention. If you have a straight arm pull, then an extra round of single-arm and fist drills will help. Most swimmers make a few very common errors. Seeing any of these in your video analysis allows you to focus on these areas, either through specific drills or a combination of drills that allow you to make changes. A follow-up video analysis and new PRs in the min/max drill are helpful to gauge your success and assure you that your technique training is working. Ideally, above- and below-water video footage is the best to see all aspects of a swimmer’s technique; however, much can be garnered from the surface as long as there is a side view that allows a coach to see how your arm is pulling under the water.

USA Triathlon.

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