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金牌游泳主教練 - 山姆.弗雷斯博士的十大游泳速度訓練法則(Dr. Sam Freas’ Ten Essentials of Sprinting)

塞繆爾·山姆·弗雷斯(Samuel'Sam'Freas)博士(於2019年3月24日去世)是世界上最熱情,最博學,最成功的公開水域游泳教練、管理大師和推廣人員之一。他還是奧林匹克和NCAA第一分部的泳池游泳教練,也是俄克拉荷馬州浸會大學的游泳教練。Dr. Samuel 'Sam' Freas (died 24 March 2019) is one of the world's most passionate, knowledgeable, and successful open water swimming coaches, administrators, and promoters. He is also a former Olympic and NCAA Division I pool swimming coach and the Oklahoma Baptist University swimming coach.


Dr. Freas was a coach at the University of Arkansas from 1978-1985. During that time he was elected as the Southwest Conference Coach of the Year five times. Under his guidance, the team finished 22nd, 13th, 11th, 12th, and 10th, in the NCAA. Four of this relay team set US records and one world record.

他的短距離訓練方法至今仍被認為是關鍵的運動員發展方式,而不僅僅是游泳運動員的發展方式。 Sam於80年代在LSU建立了一個強而有力的系統,並憑藉SEC冠軍,多次為NCAA冠軍和奧林匹克運動員的發展而留下了自己的印記。

His training methods in sprinting are ones that are looked at still today as pivotal an athlete, not just swimmer, development. Sam built a powerhouse program here at LSU in the '80s and left his mark with an SEC Championship, multiple NCAA Championships, and the development of Olympians.


Over his career, Freas was named Southwest Conference Coach of the Year four times, Southeastern Conference Coach of the Year three times, and Western Athletic Conference Coach of the Year twice. He sent a total of 19 swimmers to the Olympics and coached the South African team at the Olympic Games.

1989年至2004年, Freas還擔任國際游泳名人堂的首席執行官。他是許多有關短距離訓練的著作教練以及其他幾本學術著作的作者。

Freas also served as the CEO of the International Swimming Hall of Fame from 1989-2004. He was the author of many books about coaching sprinting as well as several other academic works.

金牌游泳主教練 - 山姆.弗雷斯博士的十大游泳速度訓練法則

The golden head coach of swimming - Dr. Sam Freas’ Ten Essentials of Sprinting


Race every day in practice.

2. 一整年都要100%的持續做速度訓練,不謹謹是在減量調整期

Swim at 100% speed all year long, not just during a taper.

3. 一整年都要持續做最快速度的訓練,不要謹謹是在減量調整期

Swim superfast all year long, not just during a taper.

4. 不斷持續做陸上訓練來增進你在力量,心肺耐力,肌肉耐力,敏捷性和柔韌性的能力

Always work dryland to improve the components of fitness: strength, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, agility and flexibility.

5. 幾乎每天都必須練習跳水、轉身、觸牆等技術(每週至少要有五次的訓練)

Work on starts, turns and finishes almost every day in practice (at least five workouts per week).

6. 練習不換氣的方式游50米以及游100米的時候只允許換幾口氣。這樣可以有更好的身體位置及更快的速度。

Practice swimming with no breath during a 50M and with only a few breaths during a 100M. This gives a better body position and better speed.

7. 以腳跟出水高出9-15英吋來進行踢腿。這樣可以提供更好的身體位置。

Execute a high kick with the heels nine to fifteen inches out of the water. This gives a better body position.

8. 每天練習身體旋轉有關的分解技術動作

Practice reaction drills every day.

9. 如果有心血管系統的破壞或神經肌肉系統的過度訓練讓你的速度下降,就應該更改訓練方法。

Change the training if a loss of speed results due to the trashing of the cardiovascular system or overtraining of the neuromuscular system.

10. 要開心,不要擔心; 保持充足的睡眠和健康飲食。

Be happy, don’t worry; get plenty of sleep and eat healthily.

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